Wednesday, May 7, 2014

"The Years Tell us Much That the Days Never Knew"

If the years tell us much that the days never knew........then, O days, what things will the years know that we cannot see? I have seen families in which the days looked good, but the sad years have told another story. A story of broken marriages and hardened hearts. It makes me afraid. What was it that the busy days passing by overlooked? 
I have seen others where the days scarcely knew love but the years have told of faithful men, now old. They have told of hearts softened and relationships restored. And now the years show us a sacrificial love, polished and refined, that seemed almost hidden from the days.
The years have shown me a gentle mama, who is now a gentle Grannie, but here it seems the days and years were in agreement all the while.
I think about this sometimes and wonder. When I am old, what story will the years tell? How can I be sure that this day, added together with all the others, will make a life that is good?
My marriage is the foundation of our family, not only now but later as well, after our children have gone on to make their own ways in the world. How can I be sure that our foundation is strong? 
I was reading in Malachi (Chapter 2:13-16) , here God says that He has made a married couple one. He asks why and answers Himself, because He seeks a godly seed. Then He says that He hates divorce. And, as we remind each other in this family, hate is a strong word.
I think of my grandparents, who showed me an example of love that truly lasted a lifetime. I want to be like my grandma some day, old and sweet and good. I want to learn to love Blue eyes more. I want to savor these days when my babies are still little, nursing and falling asleep in my arms. 
I want to savor these days with Blue eyes, too. When we are lovers, young and strong and beautiful. I want to talk with him about the hard things. The things that are really hard to say and hear but if we are one, then just like examining our own hearts, we must know each other. I want to pray with him and study God's word together.
I do not want to loose sight of the calling that God has given to me as a married woman, "to love my husband, love my children, To be discreet, chaste, a keeper at home, good, obedient to my own husband, that the word of God be not blasphemed." (Titus 2:4,5)
We've been trying to make a habit of getting up early on Saturday mornings and going out to breakfast, or for a drive or a walk if it's not too windy. I have romantic visions of breakfast picnics by the lake as soon as it warms up enough. If we leave early, our kids are only awake for an hour or so before we get home again. 
Last weekend we sat by the lake and drank coffee and watched the birds.  He reminded me of this verse in 1 Peter, "Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them (your wife) according to knowledge, giving honor unto them as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together in the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered."
See how intricately we are joined together? His prayers will be hindered if he is not fulfilling his responsibilities as a husband. In other words, he will not be able to be spiritually healthy and growing in wisdom and grace if he is not endeavoring to obey God in regards to  his marriage. 
A godly marriage is truly a mysterious and beautiful thing! And I want it! O, that God would help me to put aside the impatience, pettiness and any "root of bitterness" that may try to spring up in my heart, whereby, the word says "many are defiled."

"Teach us to number our days, O Lord, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom." 
Psalm: 90:12


  1. Welcome to your new blog, you know you have a faithful follower in me, sweet sister. Always you and yours are in my prayers and we belong to a faithful Father who hears the prayers of the righteous. Rest secure in His promises!

  2. God is faithful and so are His promises. We need to keep our eyes on Him.
